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Taming budgies

23 9:55:20

Hello!  My name is Talia and I'm 11 years old.  I got two six-month-old budgies a while ago.  They do not fight unless they are very scared and the fighting is very mild.  How do you tame budgies of this age?  any help is apreceated.

Hello Talia! Older parakeets that are over 3 months of age and that are not used to people only rarely become hand-tame. But if they are treated with sensitivity, they may get accustomed to having people around and over come their worst fear of them. Whatever the case, the degree of success depends on your patience. The more time you spend with your bird. the faster it will become tame. But there is no "recipe" for taming parakeets because different birds respond to different approaches. Some cant resist treats like millet spray. some liked to be stroked gently, and others simply like to sit close to you and listen to your voice. if your birds wings are clipped then let them out of the cage while your there with them and talk to them and place lettuce or millet spray on the floor. Sit still near it and soon they will discover the treat. They may even slowly take millet spray from your hand. You may never beable to handle them like you would a conure baby but at least they will trust you. The parakeet will soon express pleasure at seeing you by breifly raising both wings or answering you with a brief call. Provide them with different grasses and herbs (they LOVE parsley!) inside their cage. For some of my chicks, it took them almost a year to trust me enough to land on my head or coo at me. Dont give up because all the effort will not go to waste! :D good luck with your babies!