Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > Feeding


23 9:50:42

QUESTION: The fledglings have hatched and now my mom would like to know what to feed the parents, so that when they regurgitate the food, the babies will benefit from it. Any ideas?

ANSWER: You want to make sure they have good nutrition.  In addition to seed and water, make sure they have a few things.  Budgies can live on just seed, but its a high fat food, and they like a bit of variety, plus it gives them nutrition they need.  Here's a few ideas:

-Cuttlebone: this will help them get calcium, and help the mom get back some of the calcium she lost laying the eggs.  Plus its good for their beaks to have something to chew on in order to file it down.

-Eggs: cooked either scrambled or hard boiled is a great food for them.  Keep the shells, either mix it in with the scrambled or leave the hard boiled ones in halves still in the shell.  Be sure not to use too much cooking spray (its better to use vegetable oil instead of butter) or it will make them sick.  They think its a treat, plus it provides calcium and protein.  Oh, its a good idea to zap it in the microwave to make sure its cooked all the way through, and let it cool before serving it to them.

-Fresh fruits and veggies: Apples, carrots, and cucumbers are favorites.  Very nutritious, and they eat it up!  Makes sure the foods are at room temperature, thoroughly rinsed (some people swear by organics, but not necessary), and are in tiny pieces for them to eat.

NEVER let them have chocolate, avocado, or anything containing alcohol.  I know, chocolate and alcohol sort of go without saying, and I don't want you to assume I think that you are stupid; I don't.  But some people make stupid choices, and their animals suffer for it.

I hope this helps, and good luck with your babies!  If you find something else you think they might like, and you're not sure if they can eat it, just ask!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: O.K. It's a good thing ^^, we have been feeding them eggs, fruits and veggies, and they have cuttlebones. My mom would like to know if "Extra Virgin olive oil" is ok instead of vegetable oil and butter/margarine. I had also read that organic, high in vitamin A baby food mixed wit seed is also ok to feed them, even for when the babies need feeding. Is that true?

Extra virgin olive oil is fine, as long as you don't use too much.  The baby food is good for them, but its not necessary.  They can get by without it, especially if you're on a budget.  Organic foods generally are safer for them, and they do need vitamins, but you'd probably get the same thing from giving them organic carrots, for probably a lot less money.