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parakeet in back yard

23 9:50:42

There is a parakeet hanging around in our back yard.  We live in Michigan and I hate to see the winter settle in and the parakeet not have shelter. I've tried to get him to come to me, but he seems pretty apprehensive. I was thinking of purchasing a cage and furnishing it with "parakeet stuff" and just leave it in the yard.  Do you have any advice for me???

Hi, Pat,

If you do leave a cage outside, put it up high somewhere where cats and other critters can't get to it.  Otherwise, the bird may not go to the cage.   You'll most likely have other birds trying to go inside to nest, eat, etc.  Also, if you intend to leave it outside, put some kind of waterproof top on it so it stays dry on the inside.   

Chances are this bird is someone's "escapee" pet keet.  It may not survive the winter if left outside.  You may want to put an ad in a local paper (or watch the ads) and/or, if you can capture this bird, keep it inside for the winter (or give it to someone who can keep it).

My daughter found a keet outside one flew into the grill of the car when she stopped at a stop sign.  It turned out this bird was very friendly although scared/vulnerable when out in the open.  It could talk very well and she took this keet with her everywhere.  It would ride in the car on the rear view mirror!  
