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Introducing Parakeets

23 9:41:50

I've had a female parakeet for over 4 years. She has been in her own cage for 3 years since her last cage mate died.  She is hand trained once she comes out of the cage, but while in the cage she'll eat out of my hand but will bite if I try to pet her.  I just got a 9 month old parakeet a little over a week ago.  When I leave their cages open, they will crawl into each others cage, but the respective owner of the cage will bite at the other one. Do you think they'll ever be able to get along?  I can't afford a third cage right now.

Hello Meryl,

It is hard to say if they will ever get along with each other or not. What you described with your bird biting you while she is in the cage is called cage dominant. What you can do is switch cages with the birds, and move the cages to a new location. Generally a bird that is cage dominant will always be cage dominant. Find a neutral place for them to have interaction.

Best of luck!