Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > Male parakeet face is bloody

Male parakeet face is bloody

23 9:49:46

We recently got a female parakeet for our male. They have been fine for a few months. The males face is now bloody and he is kinda poofed up. Is she doing this to him or could it be something else?

Unfortunately this happens pretty frequently.  Females are almost always more aggressive than males.  Sometimes, especially during courtship, the female will be hostile to the male.  It's usually just a phase.

First of all, I would separate them for a little while.  Keep the cages close enough that they can interact with each other, but they can't hurt each other.

Make sure that the male is taken care of.  If he's fairly tame, you can get a q-tip and some hydrogen peroxide and clean his cuts.  That will help keep them from getting infected.

Don't worry if it seems like they won't get along.  My female used to attack her mate, leaving him a bloody mess, and since then they've had five babies!

Let me know if you need any more help!