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Budgie fledgling attacked by hen

23 9:45:10

I own several pairs of budgies, around 4 pairs. 2 pairs laid 4 eggs, one of the hens attacked it's baby, they are around 4 weeks old now and their feathers are still short.
I'd like to know what i can do to stop the hen from hurting her chicks. Should I remove the fledglings into a separate cage, or should I just move the chicks out of the nest?
I really need help because I don't want anything to happen to the other chick.

Is the baby alright?  If the fledgling is 4 weeks old and the female is being aggressive, you should definitely separate them into another cage.  The babies are old enough that you can care for them yourself and protect them from further harm.  I don't know why she would attack her own baby though.  Sometimes hens will attack another hen's chick, but almost never their own unless they're either confused or too young to handle caring for them.  

You may have to hand feed them for another week or so until they are weaned.  A vet can give you some formula to do this.  They often will wean themselves if given seed.  They will start sampling it, gradually eating more and more of the seed, and less formula, and eventually stop taking formula altogether.

If they have short feathers, they should be able to keep warm with each other, but you may want to put the fledglings in a warm room so that they won't get chilled.  Within the next week or so, their feathers will come in more and you'll be surprised how drastically they change from those naked little pink chicks into more mature, fully plumed fledglings!