Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > my Budgies/COCKATEIL

my Budgies/COCKATEIL

23 9:44:36

hello, if i feed my pair of cockateil/bogicar on a mixture that consist of less that 8% fat which icludes seeds, grains, oats, fruits, vegetablea and pelletys will thaey be healthy?(they will also get fresh fruita and vegies dail and cuttlie bpne plus vitaim in their water)

what kind of pair would you recommend? same sex or different sex?

how can i prevent egg binding? whaet germ oil

how can i prevent a pair of different sex from breeding  at an early age? by removing the nest bos, but where will they sleep?

what are the dosage and precautions of wheat germ oil

is septic powder saFe for the bird's beak and feathers?

Hello Harvel.

As far as diet goes, they will be VERY healthy with what your feeding them. It sounds like you know what your doing as far as diet goes. =]

I would recommend either a male and a female budgie, or a female and female budgie. Two males could possibly fight.

Remove nest boxes and dont leave anything in the cage that could resemble something like a nest. Birds dont sleep in nest boxes, they sleep on the pirches.

I dont think the amount of wheat germ oil has to be exact, just mix a bit in with the food.

I'm not sure about Septic Powder harming birds. If its ok for humans, its usually going to be fine for the bird also. [This does not apply to diet. Chocolate and Avocoado will kill birds]

Good Luck.