Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > eggs


23 9:44:32

Hello, my budgie laid an egg and it was empty so she ate it and now she laid 3 eggs and is laying on them does that mean that there is chicks in them or she is laying on them for fun? but she does not have a male budgie in with her she is the only budgie i have is it possible that there are chicks in the eggs?

Hello Branka,
Because there is no male present in the cage with her, it is impossible for the eggs to be fertile. A male must mate with a female for her to lay fertilized eggs with chicks inside them. I would suggest you get a fake budgie egg or two to put in the cage for her to occupy her time with. If she lays on these eggs too long they will eventually spoil and cause a real mess.

I would take them out and throw them away soon.

Good Luck and Happy Bird Keeping!