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23 9:54:21

It seems to be losing more feathers than it should be. I find them all around.  

Hello Margret! There could be two things effecting your bird. All birds go through yearly molts where they slowly loose their feathers and grow in new ones. The bird may be itching a lot or seem irritated, for molting is very stressful. Is your bird eating normally and seems happy? Are any pin feathers visible? ( feathers that are encased in a sheath or white wax like coating before they emerge)
In this case you should not worry, this only lasts a short time and to help your bird you can spray him with a fine mist of water or special bird bath spray to help with the itching.
The other possible thing is your bite may have feather mites. Is your bird itching until feathers fall out? Does your birds feathers seem tattered or messy? are there any bald or red spots on your bird? Here are some parasites that affect birds:
Red feather mite:This pest lives on the blood of its host. Hiding in the cracks in the cage and perches during the day, it attacks the bird at night. If they become very numerous, they stay on the bird all day under the wings. They show up under a magnifying glass as tiny red or blackish dots. Infested birds keep pecking at their feathers and scratching.  A vet can recommend an ointment for this or at your local feed store or pet store you can buy mite and lice spray for parrots or chickens what ever one is available.
Feather mites: They wingless insects feed on the skin and feather particles and and cause severe itching. The mites crawling around on the skin makes the bird very nervous. Partially gnawed feathers are a sign of this pest. Feather mites to should be treated with a spray or by a vet.
*make sure to clean everything in the cage with soap and water.  After examining your bird, you will have a better idea of what your bird is going through. good luck!