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Older Parakeet Training

23 9:54:14

I have two Parakeets. I got them from my mother one is a Older Female and the other is a young Male. I'm haveing alot of trouble getting them to get on my hand the female bites me really hard and the male will let me touch him a little but them runs away. I tried useing a treat to get them to come closer and reward them for coming near my hand but they eat the treat and then take off cherping and dancing around the cage and nver get on my hand. What am I doing wrong? Will I ever get them to be my friend? I get so frustrated and want to give up, but I really want them to be able to fly around and be happy. I have read everything on the internet and feel like I have tried it all and there is never any progress in there behavoir. what should I do?  

Hello Julia! Since they are older birds and probably haven't had much human contact when they were younger, they can never be hand tame. That doesn't mean they will never trust you or be friendly towards you, but they will never be hand tame like a conure or cockatiel. But the most important thing to remember is that your birds do not hate you. They are afraid of you and act upon their natural instincts. Your birds may already trust you and see you as a friend. My first bird, skittles, was not tame at all. I could never pet him or touch him. I let his wings grow out and fly free around my room. Over the years (unfortunately it did take years) before he would come to trust me. Now he'll land on my head for a second or when he sees me bringing millet or parsley he'll fly over and if i hold it out to him he'll take a bite. Thats as much trust i am happy with with him. Let them fly loose and come to you when they are ready. They are happy when they can fly freely and are happy to have a loving owner like yourself. So don't give up as frustrating as it may seem. Having them not fly away in your presence is a great accomplishment. All you have to do is care for them. Cleaning their cage, feeding them, is love. If they fluff up when you come into the room, thats a gesture that they are relieved to see you. good luck with your wild companions!