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Is this normal?

23 9:49:52

Myy friends parakeets had 6-8 eggs this summer and 3 hatched he sold them and gave me the male and female and i put in the nest box about 2 weeks ago and i have 1 egg will i get more? they layed it some times this week end and the female was in there a long time and wont come out will i get more eggs?

You really shouldn't allow them to breed that much.  Its not healthy for them and can kill the female if they lay too much.  You should wait around 6 months between clutches at least, and preferably only once a year.  

My advice to you is to take out the nest box for a while.  Any eggs she's laying aren't likely to hatch.  After this, she should quit laying.  Make sure she has a cuttlebone, so she has enough calcium.  If she continues to lay, you should take her to a vet for a hormone shot that will stop her from laying.