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not well budgie

23 9:53:25

hi, i have a 4 month old budgie, 2 days ago casper was very sleepy , so yesterday i took him to a bird shop and he said casper was not well, he gave as antibotics to put in his water, but tonight his left foot like cramped up, keeping it curl'd up. can you please let me know what you think it could be. Please, thanks Brad

Hi, Brad.  Thanks for posting!

You haven't provided enough information for me to attempt to figure out what is going on.  I need more details!  Antibiotics in the bird's water is not good.  Putting in water weakens the antibiotic too much and if this isn't a prescription antibiotic, it is worthless.  

You probably need to get your bird to a certified avian veterinarian ASAP for a medical evaluation.  If you want to provide more details about the situation, I might be able to help out more, but if your bird is ill, you need to take him to a bird vet (not a cat/dog vet, but an avian vet).
