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strange behaviour

23 9:54:26

Hi i bought my grampy a new bugie (hen) two weeks ago after his other one died. A few days after getting her she started going underneath the sandpaper in her cage and wont stop doing it. This has never happened with any of his past birds so we are confussed as to why she is doing it and if/how to stop her. any advice or insight would be appresiated.

Hello katie! It seems that some birds like to burrow under things, mostly common in conures and lovebirds, but certainly other species can be affected to. Instead of using sandpaper, try news paper instead. Its cheaper and will get rid of all that old and unused paper! I use news paper for all my birds and i never had to pay a dime when it comes to cage litter or liners. Since your cage doesnt have a grate at the bottom (im assuming since shes burrowing) You might want to make one. Some 1 inch square wire from a department store will do perfect. Take the cage apart and fit the wire with some wire cutters to fit the bottom of the cage. This will aslo provide better sanitation than having her walk or pick in her own droppings. This should totally eliminate the problem. She also might be doing it out of bordom. Let her out of the cage every so often to give her exercise. Provide treats and a lot of mental stimulation. good luck!