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Why dont my birds explore?

23 9:50:55

I recently put a nest box into my parakeets cage and they just chew on it and sit on top of it. They don't explore though and I'm trying to breed them. I'm pretty sure they will try to mate, but they don't go inside of the box. So do you now what might be keeping them from going in?

Is the opening large enough?  How long have you had the box?  Even sitting on it and chewing it is a good sign.  Do you have multiple boxes?  Try putting in another box, so they can choose which one to use.

One thing you can try to do to make them explore it and breed is take some small animal bedding, shredded paper, or other similar material and put it in and on top of the box.  Parakeets are very neat little creatures.  They will clean up the area out of instinct.  This behavior can also stimulate them to breed.

Be patient.  They will probably explore the box and eventually breed when they are ready.