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Our Parakeets stop singging and looks so weak

23 9:49:49

We have a around 8 years old male Parakeets, he stopped singging 3 days ago and he looks weak. I had tell my husband that something was wrong few weeks ago when I notice that he was loosing some of his feaders, one day he was not using his foot and little thing but then, the next day or he looked normal again but now is different he looks so weak, not one sing in 3 days. Help me we love him
Thank you

You should definitely take him to a vet.  Loosing feathers in itself is pretty normal, considering they molt seasonally, but combined with weakness and changes in behavior, he could be very sick.

He may have "looked" normal, but this is a survival mechanism.  They try to hide illness so they won't get preyed upon in they wild.  If he's actually looking and acting sick, he's very ill.

Try to keep him comfy, and get him to a vet ASAP.
Best of luck,