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can i tell the age of my budgie

23 9:45:32


hi, i work at a pet store and recently a young couple found a small albino budgie and brought it to the store in the hopes that we would take it in, unfortunately thats not allowed where i work. so i decided to take the bird in myself.

it has no id bracelet, it albino so i cant tell by the markings or the eyes since they always stay a full black.

any ideas on how i may be able to roughly estimate my budgies age, hes a fiesty little guy always moving around and hes already seemed to be some what hand tamed, i still need to push on his abdomen before he gets on my finger, so im guessing the unfortunate people who lost it hadnt had it for very long so it might still be young.

he snoozez alot which might suggest an older bird but im thinking its just the stress of being pushed through so many people.

what do you think... any cahnce of me ever figuring out.. id like to know something, cause i dont want to wake up one day and find my lil guy passed away and think between old age or my mistakes in his care..

any info at all would be great!


Most breeders put bands on budgies, and they really should if it's an albino or lutino for this exact reason.  It makes sexing and age verification much easier.  The only way to tell for sure is to have a vet take a look at the bird.

Even if you could, you could only find out if it's older than about four months.  He still rests a lot, which is common in babies and in old birds, but as you said, it could be stress too.  If he's sort of tame, it might be from the stress, and the fact that he's still getting used to you, or it could be that his previous owner didn't finish taming him.  Since he's not fully tame, he's probably still young because they get very hard to tame after a year or so.  My guess is, he's between 10 and 14 months old.  Sorry I can't be of more help, but that's my best educated guess.

Best of luck with your little friend!