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Budgie Breeding problem

23 9:52:37

Hi again!sorry i keep asking you questions

Our budgie laid 4 eggs and you can see the veins inside. they are due to hatch in about 3 days. lately the female has been coming out of the box more and for longer periods of time. she will come out and just stand there. im worried that the eggs will get cold and not this normal behavior? the eggs should be hayching in 3 days! why would she start leaving them alone now?

thank you very much

Hi, Anonymous,

Why don't you provide your real name?  I'm sorry for responding late to your question(s).  I was hospitalized and trying to catch up.  Don't apologize for asking questions...this is why this website exists.  However, you should learn all you can about breeding, etc., BEFORE you start this process so you'll be knowledgeable enough to know what to do when the time comes.

It takes 24-48 hours for a baby bird to hatch out of its shell.  They start "pipping" on the inside of the shell, then progress to the outside shell.  Entire process can take 2 days.  A parent bird may stop incubating her egg(s) if they are starting the "pipping" process.  Pipping is the process whereby a baby "pips" out of its shell.  The female can sense this pipping process going on.  The babies are basically fully developed at this point or they aren't fully developed, so incubating isn't real critical at this late date EXCEPT that all the eggs don't hatch at the same time...they hatch every other day in the order laid.  Therefore, she should still be incubating some of the eggs.  However, the parent bird knows what she is doing so just let her do her thing.
