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New budgie....

23 9:44:50

Hi! I have just bought a baby budgie yesterday. The shopkeeper says its 8-10 weeks old. Also I have an adult budgie around 1years old and is a female. My two budgies seem to be getting along quite well although I am very concerned that I do not see my new budgie eating nor drinking...:( Also I would like to know how to tell the Gender of my new little arrival? It's cere is sort of a light purple down the bottom and getting lighter as it hits the top. Help would be much appreciated!

 Allie x

This is a pretty common concern.  Budgies are pretty low on the food chain, and are naturally paranoid.  So when they go through major changes like moving into a new home, they are very cautious about everything.  Because of this, they often won't eat or drink when people or other animals are around so that they think it's safe.  This usually stops after a few weeks once they get settled.  Meanwhile, try covering part of the cage with a towel.  Budgies are intelligent, but if they can't see you or hear you, they assume that you're not there and will eat from their hiding place behind the towel.  

If the cere is a pale color or light purple, it's probably female.  However at this age, it is very hard to tell for sure.  The color of the cere can change quite a bit during the first few months of life.  Once your bird is about 6 months old, you should be able to tell for sure.  But my guess is that you have a girl.