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Strange Behavior?

23 9:50:12

We have had a male budgie for four months and he is about eight months old.  He is finger trained and seems to enjoy his time out the cage.  We play with him and feed him treats and let him do what he likes (within limits).  The problem is getting him out the cage.  He had been coming out pretty well, but now he never wants to leave his cage.  We have him in a large cage and he runs away from us and bites us when we try to get him.  We haven't been doing anything differently and I think we treat him very well.  What could we be doing wrong?

Hi Rob!

You're bird could possibly be molting or trying to tell you something. Maybe he is injured, or sick. You may not be doing anything wrong. I suggest looking him over carefully and taking him for a check-up, just to be on the safe side. And if nothing turns out to be wrong, then just give your budgie some space for the time being, he'll come around eventually!

Hope this helps!