Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > grumpy budgie

grumpy budgie

23 9:52:46

Hi, we have had our male bugie for about a year now he was previously owned by someone else for about six months we have trained him to sit on our finger and come out of his cage, and fly around the room which he seemed quite happy to do but the last couple of weeks he has been at bit grumpy when i put my hand in the cage he just pecks at it and won't come out anymore i'm worried becuase he loved coming out and would get very excited when we came into the room and dance around on his perch and jump onto our hand to get'out he is eating ok and he looks healthy otherwise he eats apple and lettuce and other fruit but also we have never seen him drink water from his dish but he will take a few drops everyday from the end of my finger, is this normal?
any advice would be appreacated, thanks

Hi, Lorraine,

You may not see your budgie drink, but he is or he'd be dead.  Is your budgie molting?  Molting is stressful for a bird and their behavior can change temporarily.  Otherwise, if your budgie's behavior has changed, there could be something medically going on with the bird.  Did something bad happen the last time the budgie was out?  If there was a frightening experience for your bird, he may not want to come out.  Birds will continue to act normally even when they are sick until they can't act normally any more.  By that time, the bird can be too sick to be helped.  You may be wise to seek avian veterinary advice ASAP if you suspect your bird might be ill.  It's always best to be safe than sorry when dealing with birds.
