Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > i need breeding help

i need breeding help

23 9:51:49

hi my name is kaela i have 2 english budgies i know i have a boy and girl.but they wont breed i give them budgie seed,greens grains and grits and cuttle fish bone.they have a nesting box. they have been together about 1 year.there nesting box has a dich for the what is wrong plz help me
thanx so much if u can help

Hello Kaela,

First of all, are you positive you have a male and female? Are the birds pair bonded? This means they feed each other and preen each other and so on. Also both birds must be in breeding season. Normally budgies breeding season is from fall to spring. You must have the proper conditions for them to breed.

1. Make sure they are male and female.
      Male has a bright blue cere and female has a brown crusty cere
      The cere is where the nostrils are right above the beak

2. Make sure they are pair bonded.
      Feed and preen each other

3. Both in breeding season.
      Fall to spring

What i would do for right now is remove the nest box. Watch to see if they feed and preen each other. Once you know they are in breeding condition and are pair bonded then you can put the nest box back and see how it works out.

Hope this helped!
Thanks for the question!

Any other questions feel free to ask!
