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worried please help!

23 9:50:24

Hi! I have a male budgie, still very young- I think he's about 4 months. I was wondering if you could tell me a bit about budgie behaviour because I can't stop worrying about him. He still isn't used to people (I know this can take time), he shakes (this could be the regulating body temperature thing) but he breathes really really fast. He was chewing at his feet the other day. He chirps and tweets when people are around which is good, and he loves the TV, but i'm frightened he is getting bored. He has toys in his cage, which were introduced one at a time, but he doesn't play with them. He is allowed out of his cage to fly around every night as soon as I come home from work, but he will not get out of the cage himself- I kinda coax him onto a perch to get him out. I have tried just leaving the cage door open and stepping back but he won't even come anywhere near the door. He has cuttlefish bone and an iodine block which he never uses, and today I bought him a bath that clips on to the door and he freaked out. I know it will take him a little while to get used to the bath, but I can't leave it there all the time. Do you think I could empty it and leave it clipped onto his door to see if he will explore it without water in?
I'm sorry i've asked loads of questions, i'm just really worried that i'm doing something wrong!
Rachel x

Okay, that's a lot of questions, so if I miss something, just write me again:

*Shaking can be due to temperature changes, nervousness or fear, or in some cases illness.  If he seems otherwise healthy and happy, he probably is, and is likely just stressed.
*Budgies have a high metabolism, and do breathe pretty fast.  As long as there is no wheezing and his breathing doesn't seem labored, he's probably fine.
*Chewing on the feet is normal, provided that he doesn't have any sores or bleeding on his feet.  Any spots that look sore or infected should be checked out.  They will sometimes do this to file down their nails, just out of boredom, or because they just have an itch.
*Budgies have very short attention spans, and it takes some time to figure out what kind of toys he will like.  Anything with mirrors or bells is a great toy which with they can amuse themselves for hours!  (You will get tired of little bells LONG before they do!)  They will also enjoy shredding things.  Its a destructive habit, but its pretty normal.  Try putting things like Chinese finger traps or cupcake papers (clean ones!) in the cage.  My birds love to shred anything they can find; their newspaper, food dishes, etc.
*That sort of nervousness is normal, and I wouldn't worry.  It will take him some time to adjust to things.  Its natural for them to be afraid of things like doors, and its actually a blessing that they are!  I've had a lot of people tell me that they were careless, and a bird crashed into a window or door, and got hurt.  Give him some time, and try giving him some treats if and when he's out of the cage, as sort of a bribe.  He will associate being out with the reward, and want to come out more.
*Some birds simply don't like baths.  I've had five budgies over the years, and none of them have liked them. More often, they'll bathe in their water dishes.  You can try draining the water, but I wouldn't hold my breath on that one.  You can't force him to do anything he won't do.  If you're worried that he wants to be clean, but isn't bathing, get a clean spray bottle, one used only for water (you can get these for about a dollar), and spray him with lukewarm water.  He'll puff up and soak it up!

Okay, I think that's everything!  In conclusion, I think you're worrying a bit too much.  Give him a little time, and a lot of love, and everything should be okay!