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New Parakeet. Quite and doesnt move

23 9:54:45

He isn't puffed up at all. His feathers are nice and smooth. He is shedding a lot of feathers right now though. Maybe from winter?
No discharge or anything either. I did get him to eat twice yesturday. But I had to take him out of the cage to get him to eat. Although, if I take him out he always wants to try and fly back to his cage. He loves just sitting on his purch in the same spot.
He is a very quite and tame bird that doesn't move a lot.
The lady at petsmart said the Parakeet is just a baby. Not very old.


Followup To

Question -

I just got a new Parakeet from Petsmart one day ago.
It's just a baby male. Green with Yellow feathers.
He is very quite and doesn't move around much at all. He is VERY tame and will let me pick him up, pet him and hold him on my shoulder, but when he is in his cage he just sits. I haven't seen him eat or drink in 24 hours. I'm a little worried. He did peck a little seed and took one drink of water when I held the water up to him. I have a nice large cage, water, seed, treats, toys, and a cuddlebone. But he just sits on his purch and looks around. He doesn't chirp or make noice either. The lady at petsmart said he was a good heatly bird. Can you help me? Is this normal? What should I do with a new baby parakeet? Thanks!

Answer -
Hi Aaron,

Your budgie might be a little stressed from moving and now being alone there is a thing called sulfar-aid which you can purchase from the pet shop which helps reduce thier stress and aniexty levels. Keep a close eye on him and if has eaten or had something to drink by the end of the week,take him to the Vet.
Also is he "puffed up" most of the time is there any discharge from his nostrils or are his eyes weepy.
Do you know old he is?
Sorry about the many questions I just need to know a little more about him.

Thank you!

Hi Aaron,

Good news your budgie isn't sick :) He may just be taking his time to adjust to his new surroundings. The reason he always wants to go back to his cage is because he sees' it as his safe haven, to try and stop this put the cage out of view when you have him out.
Because he is so young and by himself he will probably be quiet for a while,also feather loss is normal now that it is spring.

Good luck with your new bird!