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Fluffy bird?

23 9:53:10

Hi, I have read a lot about breeding birds but have never seen anything on the actual behavior of the birds when they are female is really fluffy, lovely and is letting the male mount her? I thought all breeding went on in the nest box? she looks like she is panting and even sits with her but cocked in the air? seems kind of weird?

Hi, Amanda.  Thanks for posting.

Breeding does not necessarily happen in the nesting box.  Mating can happen anywhere at any time.  The butt cocked in the air is her way of "inviting" the male to mate.  The panting seems abnormal...I've not seem my female tiels panting during or after mating.  The fluffiness bothers me, as a bird that keeps feathers fluffed up when not sleeping could mean the bird doesn't feel well.  

Could your bird be eggbound?  An eggbound bird will pant, will usually go to the cage bottom, might keep her rearend up in the air, etc.  An eggbound bird is a very ill bird and requires IMMEDIATE certified avian veterinarian attention or the bird will die.  If there is an egg partially out of the bird's vent or if your bird acts as though she is very sick, get your bird to the bird vet immediately.
