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Scared Budgies

23 9:44:40

I have two male budgies who are about ten months old. I bought them when they were 7 months old - I was originally looking for babies but they had been at the pet shop for so long, and looked so sad, that I bought them home straight away.
The first few weeks of having them, they were in my bedroom so they could get used to the house and the feel of other animals being around, and my voice, without the stress of being downstairs and probably harassed by my labradoodle. During this time I began to tame them, but since moving them downstairs they have become more and more scared! Everytime i put my hand in the cage, even to change food or water, they go mental. They must enjoy the hustle and bustle of being downstairs because they're always singing or shouting at someone!
What can I do to tame them? I'm worried that because they're older now I've passed the point of no return! I put my hand in the cage every day but they still go mad!

Hello Laura.
10 month old budgies should be able to be easily tamed, with patience and persistance. Something is making your parakeets scared to be taken out of the cage. Could it be the dog? Does it often come to cage? Possibly a cat? Parakeets are very wary little birds and are constantly feeling threatened. I would suggest you move them back to the room if you would like them to be tame. In the room they will feel less threatened as there are less animals there.