Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > cutting nails

cutting nails

23 9:53:36

how do  i  go  about cutting my  budgies nails as they are getting very long. without going to  a vet

Hi, Bev.  Thanks for posting!

If you've ever trimmed a dog or cat's toenails, it's the same procedure.  You need to use a pair of regular human fingernail clippers, hold your bird (or have someone hold your bird for you), and trim off the tips of each toenail (about 1/16th inch...just the tips).  Just like a dog or cat, birds have a vein running through their nails which you will need to avoid or the nail will bleed.  Therefore, have blood coagulant handy just in case you trim too far down.  You can buy blood coagulant at pet shops or you can use regular baking flour, baking soda, or corn starch.  A bird can bleed to death if you trim too deeply and the bird bleeds heavily, so be careful how far you trim.  If your bird's nails are lightly colored, the vein will be easy to see.  If dark colored nails, trim a little bit at a time until you reach about 1/16th of an inch, depending on how long your bird nails are.

If you bird is tame, s/he might just sit on your finger and allow you to trim its nails.  If untame, you'll need to restrain the bird in order to clip its nails.

Come back with any additional questions.
