Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > female budgie fighting male

female budgie fighting male

23 9:41:38

Hey, so i have a female and male budgie who have been living together for about 7 years and recently the female budgie layed eggs but they were infertile. We took the eggs away after several weeks and she laid another batch which were also infertile so we just left them.  Now for some reason the female has begun attacking the male budgie and forcing him off the perches and to the bottom of the cage. I don't know why she is doing this but their fighting is getting very violent and they have never fought like this before. Any ideas as to why this is happening and Help?

Hello Ryan,

It is common for budgies to fight each other off while they are breeding/nesting. Unless they are hurting each other such as missing toes, etc. then the behavior should calm itself. Your only other option is to seperate them.

Best of luck!