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teaching budgies to talk

23 9:55:21

Hi i've had my budgie Tweety for about 3yrs now he's never talked before but I think its cause I never really understood how to train him - I've now heard the famous Victor and co. on the net and I'd love to help Tweety to speak. I have now started a concerted effort 20 -30 mins a day talking to Tweety saying "pretty boy" over and over am I wasting my time ? Is Tweety to old to start to learn to talk? Thanks Lee.

hello lee! I am so  glad to hear that a budgie lover like yourself is taking that much time to spend with your bird Tweety! It is defennetly not a waste of time. Even if you never get perfect results your bird will feel more closer and happier with you around. Tweety will become more tame and you'll notice a better companionship. 3 years is not old at all for a budgie. Take into mind that they can live  up to 15 years! So Tweety is just getting started. Dont get discouraged if Tweety does not seem to talk because parakeets have high pitched voices and will speak really fast without you even knowing. Tweety may already know more than you think! Im glad Victor inspired you to work with your bird. Try holding Tweety up to the computer to watch or listen to victor speak. I wish you the best of luck!and def. let me know if Tweety starts to talk!