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My pet budgie shakes

23 9:52:38

I was just wondering if you could help me out. I have just gotten my second budgie and everytime I go into the room where the cage is he starts shaking. His beaks starts to chatter and his whole body shakes. I have had him for about 3 months now and it hasn't let up yet. Is this normal behavior for my budgie or should I get worries?

Hi, Kiel,

I'm sorry I'm late answering your question.  I was in the hospital and was released yesterday.

Birds shake for different reasons.  One is that they could be cold, however, the biggest reason for a bird shaking is that this is a way birds regulate their body temperatures.  Watch for signs of illness to ensure the shaking isn't related to some type of sickness.  However, if your bird has been acting this way for several months, it's likely the shaking is just to regulate the body temperature.
