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23 9:41:47

I purchased 2 male parakeets about a month ago. I did make the mistake of getting 2 since i want to be able to hold them i know. After numerous times of just setting my hand inside the cage & talking to them, it doesn't help. In fact, as each day goes by they scram up the back side of the cage more & more when i get near the door or barely put my hand in. So today, i separated them and put their cages in separate rooms as well.  I didn't think this would hurt them in any way since they were only together for a month, but am I wrong?  

Hi Glenda,

It could certainly be stressful to your birds, as they view each other as their "flock". Just make sure that you provide enough time with both birds in order for them to have some stimulation of their mind and senses. Truthfully, it is very difficult to hand tame a bird that was not hand fed. I have been breeding birds for a number of years and I still have difficulty with it, so much that I do not bother trying. I am not trying to discourage you, just hope you have more patience than I do!

Best of luck!