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baby out?!?!

23 9:53:51

yes, they are still feeding the baby they kicked out. and no, there is just the parents and the babies in that cage. sorry if i confused you, i accidently typed eggs instead of babies. also, there is another bird and they didnt kick that one out to. that bird just came out today. it had full wings but a short tailfeather.
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my parakeets mated and layed 3 eggs. 2 hatched so far. when they started to grow feathers, they kicked the younger one out. i carried him back inside the nestbox. they didnt do it for another day though. why did they kick the eggs out?
Hi, Katelyn.

Are you asking why did they kick the eggs out or why did they kick the baby out?  Your post is confusing because you talk about them kicking a younger baby out, but your question is "why did they kick the eggs out."

If you're asking why did they kick the baby out, a parent female will kick a baby out of the nestbox if there's some type of health or developmental problem with the baby.  In this case, the female knows something is wrong and knows whether the baby will survive or not.  It's known as survival of the fittest...Mother Nature again at work.  This could be the reason or there could be other reasons.  You need to provide more details about what's going on with the pair and their offspring.

Perhaps the baby accidently got knocked out of the box when the parents were going in and out (depending on the type of nesting box you have set up).  If you have other birds in the same cage with this breeding pair, perhaps one of them took the baby out.

You might want to take a good look at the baby to see if everything is OK (at least based on the knowledge that you currently have).

Are they still feeding the baby that got "kicked" out of the nesting box?


Hi again, Katelyn.

I think I've misunderstood you.  If the baby is old enough, the daddy will coax the baby out of the nest when it's time for the bird to fledge or start learning the ways of the world.  Daddy budgies teach the babies everything they need to know to survive while mom budgie cares for other babies in the nest and/or begins a new brood.  Not all babies are ready to come out of the nest at the same time...this is likely why one is out and the other is still inside.  Sounds like all is normal.
