Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > in4


23 9:45:22

my fem buge died last day and i now i am left with only one male budge i wna ask that can it live alone . or its better to keep another with it

Dear Wajid,
thank you for your question.
Budgies are very social and need the company of another bird of their species, a human just can't replace that even if you spend hours with him. You can get a female or another male, both combinations work well. I recommend seeing an avian vet with the new bird to make sure it's healthy. The introduce them slowly by putting their cages next to each other for a day so that they can see each other and talk to each other, the new bird will also get to know the room they are in. Then let them out of their cages, usually they get along well without any problems and move into one cage by themselves. If there are problems, re-arranging the cage of the older bird may help because it doesn't recognize its "territory" anymore then.
I hope I was of some help to you