Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > My budgies leg is discolored

My budgies leg is discolored

23 9:53:27

I have a budgie that is a little over 2 years. The other day I noticed he wasn't using his one leg or his foot and its is a dark purple color, how can I tell if he broke it? Is the discoloration due to the limb dying due to lack of blood flow?
He does not use this limb at all, he keeps it tucked up in to himself. as much as he possibly can.

Hi, Helen.  Thanks for posting!

If your budgies leg is broken, you should be able to tell by just looking at it.  The leg would be crooked or you might see a bone protruding, etc.  The fact that it is a dark purple color tells me that blood flow might be cut off.  Sometimes a small injury will discolor the leg if extra blood cells are diverted to the area to aid in healing.  However, if you don't see any injury, then I would suspect something more serious.  

I suggest you get your budgie to a certified avian veterinarian for an examination ASAP.  If blood flow has stopped, the leg will turn black and eventually fall off.  Don't hesitate in doing this.

Please check your bird to ensure there isn't a string or something like this wrapped around its leg/foot (you may have to use a magnifying glass in order to examine well enough) causing circulation problems.  Sometimes budgies find things we can't even see that result in problems for them.  

