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Getting a 2nd Budgie

23 9:50:39

Hi there. A co-worker of mine got a male budgie exactly a year ago today for her anniversary. Her and her husband were thinking about adding a second budgie so he could have a friend. They aren't sure which gender they should get. The bird they have now is a little on the shy side and doesn't seem to be all the human friendly. My co-worker is nervous that if she gets a female and they don't provide a proper nest she will lay soft eggs and doesn't want to hurt her in any way. Could you clarify what could happen if they get a female and if a female is the best choice to get for this shy male?

Thank you so much for your time

Hi Lorraine!

Any gender pair of budgies get along fine, although 2 females may fight. Usually, if you don't provide a nest the female won't lay eggs, but if she does, then you could always provide her with a calcium supplement to ensure she doesn't lay soft-shell eggs. Even if your co-worker does get another male, both budgies should get along fine. They may be timid towards each other at first, but they should learn to live with each other. Neither gender is better than the other, it may just depend on whether your co-worker is OK knowing that there is a possibility she might have a laying female.

Hope this helps!