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budgie wheezing, choking, coughing

23 9:51:23

My budgie has been choking on and off for about a day. At least four times in the last 24 hours he has had occasions of making a "ch ch ch" type noise when sitting quite at rest, not after eating, singing or moving, so it seems quite spontaneous. When he has stopped making the noise he makes a retching type movement with his beak and either sits and wheezes as he breathes normally, or begins chokig again. Does he has some form of mite or a cough. or just a bit of husk stuck somewhere?

Hi, Catherine,

I'd say your bird most likely needs to be seen by a certified avian veterinarian for possible respiratory problems.  Most birds are easily able to dislodge a stuck seed hull.  The wheezing and other respiratory sounds are indicative of respiratory problems.  Parrots don't usually get mites unless they are exposed to the ground, etc., outside (or something with mites has been brought inside).  At least consult with a certified avian vet by phone.  
