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budgie biting

23 9:51:19

my budgie has starting to bite my hand.i hav had him about 5 wks.he was coming onto my hand no problem.but for a week now i give him millet spray when he is on my hand.but once he has finished eating he starts biting at my hand.i blow on him but thatdoesnt work.i dont why he has just started biting.i dont scream at him when he bites.he is about 4/5 months old.

Well, Ann, is he biting hard?
My budgies bite my hands all the time, but they never bite hard and usually just chew on my fingers. Budgies are very curious creatures and will nibble almost anything they can get their beaks on.
If he is biting hard, I suggest you just put him down when he does it, then pick him up again a few minutes later. And if he continues biting, put him in his cage for a while to let him know that he doesn't get any free-time if he bites.

I'm glad you don't scream at him because Budgies don't understand screaming. It only frightens them and makes the bad behavior worse.

Hope this helps!