Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > pinching (draws blood) while preening

pinching (draws blood) while preening

23 9:44:37

I am the happy owner of 3 budgies (2 boys and 1 girl ) All were obtained from the same breeder through a pet store (I live in Japan-no breeder access) when about 3 weeks old and I hand fed them all.  I got them about 3 weeks apart.  They are not clipped as that it not the custom here and are out of the cages with us when we are home. Our little girl was very gentle (like the boys) until she began her first molt.  Now she wants to preen us while she is on our shoulders especially but opens her mouth too wide and pinches hard enough to draw blood.  She also pretty much chases the boys away for the same reason.  Is this a temporary hormonal thing ? Cant ignore it-bites are like being poked with a needle-she has a long sharp beak. Help!

Hello Paula,
Shes probably feeling possesive over you, and she has probably chosen you as her mate. And in doing so, she wanted to preen you. As far as her mind frame goes, no other parakeets are to be around you, but her. This is why she chases them off, and why she is biting. I dont think it will be temporary, as this is just the way she is thinking. She will probably loose interest over time, and she realizes your not going to preen her back.

Hope I Helped!
