Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > browny cere

browny cere

23 9:52:35

hey there. i have two budgies which i got as babies, they both had quite blue ceres and the breeder said they were 2 boys. they are now 5 months and 6 months old and the 5 month olds cere is a browny red colour and a bit crusty (the 6month olds is bright blue). i have read that this is common of females in breeding condition. just wondering how old budgies are when they reach sexual maturity and whether u think it sounds like i have a boy and a GIRL! cheers, sarah

Hi, Sarah,

I'm sorry for responding late to your question(s).  I was hospitalized and trying to catch up.

The brown cere budgie is a female.  Females don't reach sexual maturity until they are about 12 months of age.  Being in breeding condition does not mean the bird is sexually mature...this would be like a girl starting her period when she is about 12 years old, but is not ready to have a baby until later in life.  Just because the monthly cycle has begun doesn't mean the girl is ready to conceive.  Males need to be mature, too, because they have a big part in the entire process, so allow your birds to grow up before breeding them if this is your intention.
