Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > I need advice..

I need advice..

23 9:54:12

I want to start feeding my two budgies vegtables or somthing besides their seeds. Today i tryedto feel them romain lettus and they would nibble at it ina scared way when they run from it. Could you give me advice on whats a good way to introduce them to new foods without being scared? Also how to people get their budgies to play, my yellow one(Romeo) will chew on paper and a couple other things, but my white one (Wingnut)is active and eats buthe never plays.I had budgies before and they are all like that, i have them out daily and they jump on my finger always, but i always read that they are nosie, playful and how they roll around and lye on their back? haha please give be advice!

Hi Danielle,

I'm so sorry for the late reply!
Try putting half an apple on a skewer it their cage and you can also add grated bits of carrot etc. to thier seed,your budgie will be scared at first but as they are an inquisitive type of animal they will eventually go and check it out and have a little nibble.
I've never seen a budgie that will roll around on their back and actually doubt they do this sorry...
Maybe give them some toys like a set of rings to get them started.