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Budgie Cant/Wont fly

23 9:50:15

Hi there.  I wonder if you could possibly help.  I have what I think is a young budgie.  He has never flown since I got him.  When we bring him out the cage he only opens one of his wings fully and basically just jumps.  But he goes through a mad ten minutes every night in his cage where he flaps his wings like mad.  He also wont come out the cage on his own.  We were thinking of getting another budgie to keep him company and perhaps so he can learn to fly from them.  Your comments are very much appreciated.  Thank you


Sorry I didn't get back to you right away; I've been watching the Olympics!

Does he have his wings clipped?  Since its very easy to do at that age and makes taming easier, a lot of pet stores and breeders will clip the wings to inhibit flight.  It doesn't hurt the wings, just trims the feathers on the wings enough that they can't get the lift needed to fly right.  The feathers do grow back though, and he sounds persistent enough to me that he will be flying in no time!

I think you should get him another budgie, if not to help him learn to fly, just so he has a friend.  Budgies are very social, and like to have other birds for companionship.  However, keep in mind that you will need to quarantine the new bird for about a month before adding him into the cage.  That way they won't pass germs to one another.  Your bird may not be sick, but he may carry some germs that he is resistant to, but the new bird isn't or vice versa.

Best of luck!