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Strange behavour

23 9:50:16

Hi leah
I have my 7 budgies in a aviary that has plenty of nests and room
The problem is 2 of my males 1 would be 2 years and the other 1 and a half are feeding each other and they are nesting and becoming a pair
they are both males as they have all bred with female before and had babies in individual cages so what is going on
at one stage the blue male will feed the yellow male and then they will swap and go in the nest box and stay in there for ages
should i seperate them and just let them get over it or what should i do
2 of my females in the aviary are breeding 1 has eggs the other is picking at the dip in the middle
so what do i do please help
also if i added more females in the aviary would the already paired pairs males split from there partner and go to the new females
please help
also i will rate you 10 out of 10 since you are reliable and have very good knowledge  

This sort of "experimentation" is believe it or not, normal.  Budgies are known for being promiscuous, changing partners from season to season, and sometimes if they're rejected by females...well, you get the picture.  Age differences usually aren't an issue; I've had a nine year old nest with a one year old before.  Another possibility is that the one is actually a female; when they're young, its sometimes hard to tell for sure.  They'll grow out of it, especially once they realize they've produced no eggs.

I wouldn't add more birds to the aviary yet.  Breeding is a stressful time for them, and you want to disturb the nesting pairs as little as possible.  While it would sort of mix things up, you don't want to unintentionally bother or split up the breeding pairs.  But adding more females may help with your problem, just wait until they are done having their babies.


Best of luck,