Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > My budgie doesny seem to be interested

My budgie doesny seem to be interested

23 9:54:18

well, I've got my budgie about 1-2 months ago, and he seems to not have any interest in things. For example: I put some fruits in the cage, and he seems to just ignore it, and i also put some toys in too, but he just doesn't go near it or anything... Please help me!! I don't know what to do!

Hi Melissa,

Your budgie is probably either scared of the fruit or doesn't exactly know what it is. If you really want it to eat fruit you can put some finely chopped apple in with his seed.
Some budgies just don't play with toys my budgie Petri has never been interested in toys he much prefers a grit block...Your budgie could be the same, try buying him some rings budgies seem to love rings climbing through them etc. My other budgie Marco loves his rings especially the bell.
Just don't buy it a mirror as they frustrate birds and can lead to behavioural problems