Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > fighting budgie

fighting budgie

23 9:44:42

hi im new to this i recently bought a girl budgie and decided to get another one for her as a wee friend i got a male white one but when i put the male in the cage the female one kept pecking at it like biting it the male just sits there and doesnt do anything ??

do you think this is normal what should i do ?????????????

Hello Donna. Leave them together for a few days. Pecking and nipping for the first day or so is normal, they will soon become bonded to one another. They are just not sure about each other right now. Watch  for them fighting to fiercly. (i.e. bleeding, CONSTANTLY chasing around the cage not stop, biting one another and keeping a hold.)

I'm sure with time they will become accustomed to one another. Hope I helped Donna!