Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > Budgie Trick!

Budgie Trick!

23 9:52:44

"How do I train a budgie to fly to my hand when I call it?"

Hi, Ustat,

You'd have to start with a bird that was a very young baby and handfeed it in order to make it tame and bonded to you.  By handfeeding the bird, the bird will come to love your fingers/hands and will be responsive to you when you "show" them to the bird.  I trained a baby pigeon that was handfeed to come to me when called by tapping my fingers on something and the bird would fly to my fingers.

An older bird that wasn't handfed would be difficult to train.  The principle would be the same, i.e., the bird would have to want to come to you for whatever reason (out of love, because you have some food it wants, etc.).  You'd have to use some method of getting the bird to come, such as offering the bird its favorite treat.  Repetition of this action would be the way to train the bird.
