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Just a few breeding questions.

23 9:50:52

How long do the eggs stay in the female before being layed?
How long do the eggs take to hatch?
What order are the eggs layed?
When should the babies be ready to be handled, since I want to get them used to me before they mature?

Its sometimes hard to say how long they will stay in the female, because budgies often mate several times.  

The female usually will lay eggs every second day, one at a time, and they will start incubating them after she has two or three eggs (there may be more after this point, but that is when she will start incubating them).  While incubating, the male will bring her food, and don't be surprised if she almost never leaves the nest.  The male may or may not sit in the box with her.  About 18 days after she starts incubating them, the eggs will hatch.

The babies will start to wander out of the nest once they are about four weeks old.  You can start handling them then if you want, but its okay to wait a while longer as well.  They are ready to leave their parents once they are about 6 or 7 weeks old.  Its possible to tame them after that point, but the younger the better to start with.

Good luck with your breeding, it sounds like you are making progress!