Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > Parakeet wont come out of cage...

Parakeet wont come out of cage...

23 9:45:41

My bird came out for the first time yesterday and I was SOOOO happy because it has literally been months since he was out. I leave the cage open like 24/7 for him so if he wants to come out, he can. The things is...I've had this bird for almost 5 years. I don't know why he comes out so little. He has never been trained before but I would like to star. Is this still possible?

It's possible.  The older they are the harder it is to get them to come out.  But if he did come out on his own, that is a good sign.  Try offering him treats if and when he comes out.

I'm sorry that it took so long for me to respond to your question!