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Lonely Budgie

23 9:44:36

I have a single male budgie probly in the region of 5/6 years old he's lost both his friends in the last year so he's all on his own which i know is a problem in its own right but that aside he's not in good condition.
Before we rescued him he had broke a wing which healed funny which means he cant fly, along with awful feet which curl round on each other and his claws need regular clipping other wise the twist round into his foot.
His feathers at the moment are in awful condition usually he looks ok all feathers neat clean and tidy but recently specially on his bad wing are all ruffled and rough.i don't think he's grooming properly and he has bald patches under his wings.
I've taken him to the vet many a time and he always says he's fine! but i know he's not, he sings and has an ok quality of life, his cage is always open and he comes out and climbs ontop of it.
I've tried to just give him wooden perchs for good foot health but he's in love with these to plastic ones and freaks if i take them out, he clearly finds in hard to get comfortable because of his poor feet and recently at night appears to be sleeping in a top corner of his cage hanging on with feet and his beak?!
I'm really at a loss as to what to do, i don't want another budgie but im also aware he needs company but i dont want to just take him to a rescue center and an ad in the paper is a big no no you dont know where there gonna end up!
any advice really appreciated.
Also i'm in england which will effect what you can suggest i'm sure!

Hello Paris.
I'm so sorry to hear about your budgie, but I praise you for taking in one which seemed to be at a loss with life. He may just be molting, and that is why his feathers look uneven and unsightly. He could also be experiencing pain that wing, and doesnt want to touch it or clean it, for fear he will hurt himself. Did you take him to an AVIAN vet? Regular vets only know the basics for birds and nothing special. An avian vet will know A LOT more about birds. If you are not wanting to get him a friend then dont. Your just going to have to spend a little more time talking to him and whistling while your around him. He will like that. =]
As for holding onto the cage with his feet and beak, this is just his way of addapting to his special needs. He will probably fall over if he doesnt hold on.
Also, leave in the plastic perches. If thats what he likes, then give it to him! Hes an old bird Paris, and hes doing what he can to cope with what he has. Support him in that!
If a wooden perch will make him live longer, but not allow him to be happy, you dont want him to die not happy!
Plastic perches are just fine, I dont know what the difference in health affects it would have on the bird between the two different types of perches.

Good Luck!