Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > Budgie Beak

Budgie Beak

23 9:41:45

Hi there, I just purchased a baby budgie and got him home to realise that his bottom beak sits over his top one.  Is there something I can do to fix this or will it correct itself as the baby grows?

Hello Belinda,

You can correct some issues with the beak, but it always has to be very minor, to the point that a light trimming would fix it. If he has a under bite just be sure he can eat and drink fine, I am sure he can or else he would not have lived as long as he has. If he is eating and drinking fine I would leave it at that, especially if he is pet quality bird. If you bought him as show quality and paid a premium price I would look into a refund.

Best of luck!