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scaly mites

23 9:52:49

Hi.  I am quite sure my budgie has mites (even the vet said he suspects mites too).  Around her beak there are wart like bumps.  I do not want to bring her to the vet again to have him to a test to see if she really does have the mites (don't want to spend the $ ).  My question to you is since I need the vet to prescribe the meds for the mites, I was reading on the internet that I could try and use Vaseline instead.  Have you heard of this and what is your advice on this?

Thanks in advance,
Kathryn, Nanaimo, BC, Canada

Hi, Kathryn.

You could try vaseline (I've heard of this), but I doubt it would work.  Scaly mites are parasites and you need a parasite medicine to get rid of them.  Vaseline would basically just "smother" some of the mites it touches.  Vet doesn't need to do a test; scaly mites can be diagnosed visually.  You need Ivermectin/glycol mix from your avian vet.  Can't you just call your vet for a prescription, particularly if s/he already suspects this?  In fact, your vet can most likely give you the medicine if s/he carries it in their office.  It only takes 1-2 drops down the throat of the bird to cure the mites.  Might take a redose 10 days later if any mites remain.
