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sex and breeding

23 9:45:54

I purchased two budgies this summer and they were quite young (I'm not sure how old they are). They have started getting color on their ceres; one purple and one brown so I'm assuming I have a boy and a girl. I'm just wondering if that is a correct assumption about their sex and if I do have a boy and girl, how likely is it that they will breed if I don't include the nests and other breeding things in the cage.

If they're just starting to get coloration, they are still too young to breed.  They should be at least a year old before you start breeding them.  If you don't have a nest box and other necessities, they probably won't breed.  But as of right now, they can't breed:

You have two females.  Purple and brown colors on the cere means they're females.  Boys have light-navy blue or pink ceres.  Since they're young, the colors may change a bit more, but they're probably both females.  Once they're old enough, I would recommend getting a mature male to breed with them if you want babies.